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Our Team

Yen Chih (James) Tsai 

​I feel very blessed to teach students and guide them in a certain direction. They will learn and hone their discipline through passion and patience. 

I am a high school student at the Bronx High School of Science. I have played the violin for 10 years and recently won the American Protege Romantic Competition. On top of that, I also performed in Lincoln Center for 8 years with CYCNY orchestra and have soloed at Carnegie Hall. I was an associate concertmaster in the CYCNY orchestra for the past two years (2018-2020). In the coming two years, I will be concertmaster in my school orchestra as well as in the CYCNY orchestra. 

Hanks Tsai

My goal for my students is for them to create a passion and love for music that can be as a hobby or as a future career. I teach cello and piano and have studied and played both instruments for 10 years. I have also performed at Lincoln Center every year with my orchestra and recently won the Quarantine Music Competition for cello. On to of that, I had been qualified to join Laguardia Music School and have finished ABRSM level 8 with a Distinction.

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